Jaakko, profiilikuva

The four french guys are coming as well so a lot of running if we decide to play :D

Tero, profiilikuva
Tero ilmoittautui in

Work ends at 18.00, so I'll be there closer to 19.00.

Rick, profiilikuva

It seems to work!

Matti, profiilikuva

Lets go!

Jauhis, profiilikuva
Jauhis ilmoittautui in

Sit kun olisin päässy kerrankin, niin kaikki muut on vaan ryyppäämässä!

Tero, profiilikuva
Tero ilmoittautui out

In, but late (work ends at 18). Or "late"...🫠

Jaakko, profiilikuva

Hi, juhannus gave me strength to update your favourite spreadsheet: FUTSAL PAYMENTS. As usual you can find the amounts and payment info there. Please pay asap!

Also, I noticed that Matti B still had an open balance from the previous season, could someone send him a message, I don't think I have his number.


See you tomorrow!